Our Library
How To Expand Your Social Circle As A Senior
It can be tough to socialize as you get older. Your old friends move away, events and hobbies that you used to enjoy...
What to Know When Downsizing Your Home
Downsizing your home can be a great way to declutter your life and simplify your living situation, but it's important...
5 Tips for Successful DIY Home Décor Projects
Trying your hand at some DIY home décor projects can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only will you save money...
4 Reasons Pool Aerobics is Great for Seniors
One of the great things about getting older is that you can finally slow down and take it easy. You don't have to...
The Beginner’s Guide to Hiking: Everything You Need to Know to Hit the Trails
Have you always wanted to go hiking but didn't know how to get started? Or maybe you've been wanting to get outside...
How to Play Pickleball – A Beginner’s Guide
Pickleball is a paddle sport that has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among seniors. The game is...
How to Embrace the Empty Nest Life
For many parents, the day their kids move out of the house is bittersweet. On the one hand, you're finally going to...
Getting Started with Golf as a Senior
Players of all ages can enjoy golf, but seniors may find that the game has a particular appeal. That's because golf is...
Yoga for Seniors – 5 Tips to Get Started
If you're a senior looking to start practicing yoga, you're making a great decision! Yoga is an ancient practice that...
How Seniors Can Train For A 5k
According to the CDC, running is a great way for seniors to improve their mental and physical health. If you’re a...